Why Join The Lympstone Players?
Benefits of Membership
As a member of The Lympstone Players, you can:
- Enjoy mixing and working with a friendly and enthusiastic group of local people.
- Learn new skills in all things theatrical.
- Receive our regular quarterly newsletter.
- Access our varied programme of events, including productions, play readings, workshops, socials and fundraising
- Receive updates via email or letter.
- Receive advanced notice of our productions and the opportunity to be involved, both on and off-stage.
- Eligible for subsidised attendance
at training events and workshops run by Lympstone Players.
- Obtain tickets prior to general release for all Players’ events.
- Receive insurance protection when participating in a production.
- Take part in discussions on the development of The Lympstone Players as an organisation.
- Attend and vote at our AGM.
To find out more about becoming a member of The Lympstone Players, contact us at lympstoneplayers@gmail.com or download
and complete our membership form